Women's Empowerment
Women’s Empowerment
The Burdock Fund is a unique program offering guidance and support to women to clear trauma patterns so that she can create sustained empowerment in her life. Constant roadblocks exist in the healing journey for disenfranchised women. Our 2 year program is created in collaboration with each woman and is defined by the vision and goals she has for her life. We address her needs and provide stability to ensure her success in the program. Alleviating scarcity mindset, clearing trauma and addictions, healing anxiety, creating healthy relationships, and building a resilient physical, mental, and financial health are our goals for every woman.
Many studies cite the correlation between poverty or abuse, leading to higher levels of auto-immune disorders and even cancer. Trauma experiences block not only health, but leads to a constant state of economic disempowerment. Many of these women do not have healthy community or family structures in place and are often isolated. The help that women need to end repetitive life depleting situations are often found in programs available only to the privileged. Awareness of her entire ecosystem of circumstances is often missed in crisis care and in many programs that mentor women. Our program offers women comprehensive and effective support to achieve long-term shifts from negative life patterns to health, financial autonomy, and leadership in her family and community.
We work directly with women and the agencies that support them throughout Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. We have established a growing network of non profits, crisis centers, and therapists to identify women who are a match for the program. This is not crisis care. Our program is for women willing to do the inner work first, and to transform themselves as their place of empowerment.
”The Burdock Fund is The Before and After (crisis) Care” ~ Anne Pririe, ED, Aware Women's Shelter.
Our mission is land conservation and women's empowerment because one can not be sustained without the other. Herbalism offers powerful nourishment and provides a strong foundation for healing women who are often depleted or experiencing chronic health conditions. There are numerous studies that show significant improvement of emotional and physical well-being correlate being immersed in forests and using plants. Immunity increases, while stress hormone production is reduced, and heart rate and blood pressure are lowered. Nature cultivates emotional well-being and has been shown to be as effective as exercise in reducing depression; both are more effective than anti-depressants. Addressing trauma and the debilitating consequences it holds in lives pave the way for new patterns and decisions that will enable a women to thrive.
The level of support we bring to them is all encompassing and life changing. Through courses, community support, mentorship, intensive summer workshops, and the safety and consistency provided, women begin to heal their trauma. They find voice and agency that pave the way toward a healed and abundant life.